Sanne Kistemaker is a designer at the Muzus design group in The Hague. Froukje Sleeswijk Visser is an assistant professor at ID-StudioLab and the owner of design consultancy firm ContextQueen, Rotterdam. Pieter Jan Stappers is a full professor and chair of Design Techniques, and the director of the ID-StudioLab at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Together, they have developed the contextmapping method. Pieter Jan’s perspective is positive; he believes that “open design promises to bridge the gap between designers and end-users, and where possible to reduce the industrial detour of centralized fabrication, distribution, sales and marketing.”
Sandra Kistemaker contents in Open Design Now:
The roles of the designer, the client (or producer, or manufacturer) and the user are being shaken up in industrial practices that have, until now, been oriented mainly towards mass production. Stappers and his colleagues illustrate the contemporary occurrence of … Continue reading