Private forces put the commons under pressure. The digital public domain demands another approach to protection of the commons, and also inspires another type of activism. If the insurgents had had a digital network, the French Revolution might have been a Communist revolution. Is copyright a means to protect innovation or has it been perverted to a new apogee of class struggle between corporations and consumers? Let’s prove the ‘tragedy of the commons’ wrong and wake up from consumer paradise. Everybody is an activist in light of today’s ecological challenges.
activism contents in Open Design Now:
Open Re:Source Design visualizing COMPLETE material flows Soenke Zehle In an era of algorithmic cultures, designers willing to take on the challenges of sustainability must be prepared to deal with complex eco-politics. At the same time, any mapping of possible … Continue reading
OHANDA Open Source Hardware and Design Alliance Jürgen Neumann OHANDA is an initiative to foster sustainable copyleft-style sharing of open hardware and design. Since its emergence from the GOSH!-Grounding Open Source Hardware summit at the Banff Centre in July 2009, one of … Continue reading
Mushon Zer-Aviv describes his efforts to teach open source design as an attempt to investigate why collaborative work combined with individual autonomy has not been common practice in design, as it is in open source software development. He discusses whether … Continue reading
The present copyright system is beneficial for a few best-selling artists while providing no benefits at all for most creative professionals. Joost Smiers explores ways to improve the market, including the financial situation of most artists and designers, and to … Continue reading
Andrew Katz traces the origins of the problems of copyright legislation and practice when confronted with the natural, human, social mode of creative endeavour. Building on developments in open source software, he outlines how designers could benefit from a similar … Continue reading
Open design is not a clear and unambiguous development or practice. Jos de Mul names a few of the problems he perceives with open design, without venturing to suggest any indication of how they might be solved. He then goes … Continue reading
DESIGNING FOR COLLABORATIVE CONSUMPTION. The 20th century was the unfortunate era of hyper- consumerism. You know the stats: basically, the world is ending, and we, the insatiable consumers of the world, are at fault. Traditionally, there are two solutions for … Continue reading
Private forces put the commons under pressure. The digital public domain demands another approach to protection of the commons, and also inspires another type of activism. If the insurgents had had a digital network, the French Revolution might have been … Continue reading
The pioneers of our time are not taking the world at face value, as a given from outside; rather, they see the world as something you can pry open, something you can tinker with. Marleen Stikker In his novel The … Continue reading