Blueprints are representations of objects- to-be of the highest technical order. Combining the technical drawing and the instructions on how to execute that drawing, the CAD file you send and squeeze into any sort of printer can be regarded as such. Blueprints and their derivatives form an essential component of open design, as they are the appearance of design in the form of content-to-be-materialized. As such, they are food for thought for IP lawyers who embrace the open design ideology: blueprints for all!
blueprints contents in Open Design Now:
(Un)Limited Design contest Openness in Vitro Maria Neicu Openness is no longer only seen in the context of open software; it has become a broadly applicable concept, carried by the digital in the analogue world. Design tools are in user’s … Continue reading
RepRap The Viability of Open Design Erik de Bruijn The RepRap digital fabrication system can 3D print a large share of its own parts. In fact, it reproduces almost 90% of the really important mechanical parts that convey most knowledge. … Continue reading
OHANDA Open Source Hardware and Design Alliance Jürgen Neumann OHANDA is an initiative to foster sustainable copyleft-style sharing of open hardware and design. Since its emergence from the GOSH!-Grounding Open Source Hardware summit at the Banff Centre in July 2009, one of … Continue reading
SOCIAL PROBLEM SOLVING BY COLLABORATION Great innovation requires widespread collaboration. The strongest evidence of this correlation is the spike in innovation that occurred around the time of the Industrial Revolution, when people from diverse backgrounds began living and working together … Continue reading
Open design can be employed to develop a critical perspective on the current institutions, practices and norms of society, and to reconnect materiality and morality. Matt Ratto introduces ‘critical making’ as processes of material and conceptual exploration and creation of … Continue reading
Governmental institutions are challenged to use design and open design as a strategic tool. Bert Mulder addresses issues of participation and quality, and suggests how a government could develop a system that would include information, tools, methods and a set … Continue reading
Mushon Zer-Aviv describes his efforts to teach open source design as an attempt to investigate why collaborative work combined with individual autonomy has not been common practice in design, as it is in open source software development. He discusses whether … Continue reading
Mapping the landscape of commons-based peer production, Peter Troxler analyses the arena of open source hardware and looks into various initiatives being spawned by fabrication labs, trying to identify their business potential and asking how these initiatives contribute to giving … Continue reading
A shift in communications infrastructure is an important factor in how open design has taken shape and the possibilities it offers. It is a transition from the ‘internet of things’ to the things of the internet. Michel Avital analyses the … Continue reading
Blueprints are representations of objects- to-be of the highest technical order. Combining the technical drawing and the instructions on how to execute that drawing, the CAD file you send and squeeze into any sort of printer can be regarded as … Continue reading