Most of the world’s consumer goods are made in China. Most of our debts are produced in the US. Most of our meat and soy comes from Latin America. Can neoliberal capitalism ultimately sustain a truly globalized world with one integrated economy? How free is a free market economy when there is only one market left? Is it possible that the entire planet will, from that moment, suddenly adopt collaborative, open design and innovation?
globalization contents in Open Design Now:
Renny Ramakers talks about Droog’s latest project Downloadable Design, about making money, designing for the masses, the development of the design profession, and Droog Design’s recent experiments and research in sustainability, local production, co-creation, upcycling and collective revitalization of the … Continue reading
The present copyright system is beneficial for a few best-selling artists while providing no benefits at all for most creative professionals. Joost Smiers explores ways to improve the market, including the financial situation of most artists and designers, and to … Continue reading
John Thackara portrays openness in general as a matter of survival to overcome the legacy of an industrial economy obsessed with control, and open design in particular as a new way to make, use and look after things. He calls … Continue reading
Most of the world’s consumer goods are made in China. Most of our debts are produced in the US. Most of our meat and soy comes from Latin America. Can neoliberal capitalism ultimately sustain a truly globalized world with one … Continue reading