Reproduction means accessibility for the many; reproduction of production even more so. In contrast to the increasingly specialized machinery of industrial production at large, nowadays peer and open workshops equip themselves with ‘self-replicating’ 3D printers like RepRap and MakerBot. Do these machines have the potential to pose a challenge to industrial production? Will the peers pair that challenge and change the global production landscape as Gutenberg and the steam engine once did? Can digitization really affect the physical?
reproduction contents in Open Design Now:
Thingiverse How the Internet, Sharing and Digital Fabrication are Enabling a New Wave of Open Source Hardware Zach Smith was started on a lazy Saturday afternoon in late October 2008. I was at the local hackerspace, NYC Resistor, with … Continue reading
RepRap The Viability of Open Design Erik de Bruijn The RepRap digital fabrication system can 3D print a large share of its own parts. In fact, it reproduces almost 90% of the really important mechanical parts that convey most knowledge. … Continue reading
Medialab Prado a Methodology for Collaborative Prototyping Laura Fernández Medialab Prado, part of Madrid’s municipal arts department, is aimed at the production, research and dissemination of digital culture and the area where art, science, technology and society intersect. 1 Medialab Prado … Continue reading
The mediocracy of the middle classes dominates the current mass production design. In a world less controlled by branding and regulations, a new breed of designers can contribute to an altered, more honest economy. An interview with Dutch designer Joris Laarman, … Continue reading
Envisioning the potential of open source tools to facilitate making, Bre Pettis retraces the thorny and convoluted path from wanting to produce self-replicating robots, through a series of prototypes, to being at the core of a little universe of 2,500 … Continue reading
Andrew Katz traces the origins of the problems of copyright legislation and practice when confronted with the natural, human, social mode of creative endeavour. Building on developments in open source software, he outlines how designers could benefit from a similar … Continue reading
Reproduction means accessibility for the many; reproduction of production even more so. In contrast to the increasingly specialized machinery of industrial production at large, nowadays peer and open workshops equip themselves with ‘self-replicating’ 3D printers like RepRap and MakerBot. Do … Continue reading