Generative design often finds shape in frac- tal-like objects produced by CNC milling machines and 3D printers. Not just for addicted fanatics, they are also useful in case you need to replace a part of your ancient vacuum cleaner you can’t order any- more. 3D printers offer the ability to print parts and assemblies made of several materials with different mechanical and physical properties in a single build process. The technology generates its own aesthetics. In a way it brings to mind the early days of Flash, or, for that matter, embroidery.
aesthetics: 3D contents in Open Design Now:
Open design can be employed to develop a critical perspective on the current institutions, practices and norms of society, and to reconnect materiality and morality. Matt Ratto introduces ‘critical making’ as processes of material and conceptual exploration and creation of … Continue reading
The mediocracy of the middle classes dominates the current mass production design. In a world less controlled by branding and regulations, a new breed of designers can contribute to an altered, more honest economy. An interview with Dutch designer Joris Laarman, … Continue reading
Envisioning the potential of open source tools to facilitate making, Bre Pettis retraces the thorny and convoluted path from wanting to produce self-replicating robots, through a series of prototypes, to being at the core of a little universe of 2,500 … Continue reading
Investigating the roots of open design and identifying its resulting technological, economical and societal changes, Atkinson contemplates the vast consequences this development will have for the design profession and the distribution of design. Paul Atkinson The concepts of open design … Continue reading
Generative design often finds shape in frac- tal-like objects produced by CNC milling machines and 3D printers. Not just for addicted fanatics, they are also useful in case you need to replace a part of your ancient vacuum cleaner you … Continue reading