designers contents in Open Design Now:
(Un)Limited Design contest Experimenting with Open Design Bas van Abel Open design covers an extensive area and its contours are not yet clearly defined, making it difficult for designers to come to grips with the developments. One of the most tangible open … Continue reading
Open Standards Design for Adaptation: A New Design Vocabulary Thomas Lommée Over the last 20 years, we have been witnessing the early developments of a networked economy that is operated by its interconnected participants. Decentralized information streams and sources have … Continue reading
OHANDA Open Source Hardware and Design Alliance Jürgen Neumann OHANDA is an initiative to foster sustainable copyleft-style sharing of open hardware and design. Since its emergence from the GOSH!-Grounding Open Source Hardware summit at the Banff Centre in July 2009, one of … Continue reading
PARTICIPATORY DESIGN, THE OPEN FORM AND ART EDUCATION Deanna Herst Participatory design has changed the role of the designer: from an author of finished products, like books or furniture, into a developer of frameworks or structures of ‘open works’, like Wikipedia. … Continue reading
Mushon Zer-Aviv describes his efforts to teach open source design as an attempt to investigate why collaborative work combined with individual autonomy has not been common practice in design, as it is in open source software development. He discusses whether … Continue reading
The position of knowledge and expertise is changing radically, particularly in relation to how design literacy is affected when confronted with digital tools and media. Dick Rijken analyses design literacy on three levels – strategic, tactical, and operational – and … Continue reading
Renny Ramakers talks about Droog’s latest project Downloadable Design, about making money, designing for the masses, the development of the design profession, and Droog Design’s recent experiments and research in sustainability, local production, co-creation, upcycling and collective revitalization of the … Continue reading
The mediocracy of the middle classes dominates the current mass production design. In a world less controlled by branding and regulations, a new breed of designers can contribute to an altered, more honest economy. An interview with Dutch designer Joris Laarman, … Continue reading
This portrait of open designer Ronen Kadushin reveals his vision of ‘opening’ industrial design and putting the designer firmly back in the centre of the design process. It tells of successful examples of Ronen’s design practice – the Hack Chair, … Continue reading
The present copyright system is beneficial for a few best-selling artists while providing no benefits at all for most creative professionals. Joost Smiers explores ways to improve the market, including the financial situation of most artists and designers, and to … Continue reading