Communities may be the opposite of consumers; consumers get everything mass-produced for them as individual entities, while communities take action, making more conscious choices. Groups tend to emancipate more easily than individuals and the internet is a powerful catalyzer. Since the rise of that network, the number and variety of communities has exploded, for better or for worse. Commercialization of online communities is mirrored by the revival of offline communities. Cooking together may form an important kind of collective agency.
community contents in Open Design Now:
Thingiverse How the Internet, Sharing and Digital Fabrication are Enabling a New Wave of Open Source Hardware Zach Smith was started on a lazy Saturday afternoon in late October 2008. I was at the local hackerspace, NYC Resistor, with … Continue reading
Redesign Me Online Co-creation and Co-design Maxim Schram Open design by online communities is becoming more common among companies that had previously been secretive about the products they create. Dutch tea manufacturer Pickwick, for example, used the online design and … Continue reading
Ponoko: The Distributed Making System Peter Troxler Ponoko first saw the limelight of success on 17 September 2007 at TechCrunch40, a conference held in San Francisco to showcase ‘forty of the hottest new start-ups from around the world’ to a … Continue reading
OHANDA Open Source Hardware and Design Alliance Jürgen Neumann OHANDA is an initiative to foster sustainable copyleft-style sharing of open hardware and design. Since its emergence from the GOSH!-Grounding Open Source Hardware summit at the Banff Centre in July 2009, one of … Continue reading
INSTRUCTABLES RESTAURANT Open Design in a Restaurant Setting Arne Hendriks The Instructables Restaurant 1 is the world’s first open source restaurant. If you like the food, the restaurant gives you the recipe. And if you love the chair, or any of … Continue reading
A COMMON LANGUAGE TO EXCHANGE IDEAS André Knörig, Jonathan Cohen, Reto Wettach Fritzing is an open source project with the aim of supporting designers, artists and hobbyists (i.e. ‘non-engineers’) to work creatively with interactive electronics. As computer processing power moves … Continue reading
Can open design contribute to the world’s bigger problems, such as depletion and squandering of natural resources, population growth, consumerism and widespread poverty? In turn, can pooling knowledge and resources, re-evaluating the concept of time, and facilitating user participation help open … Continue reading
Taking a critical look at current educational models, open design will involve a shift in the relationship between designers and potential users in terms of attitude, skills and approach. Caroline Hummels discusses the consequences of open design for the educational … Continue reading
The roles of the designer, the client (or producer, or manufacturer) and the user are being shaken up in industrial practices that have, until now, been oriented mainly towards mass production. Stappers and his colleagues illustrate the contemporary occurrence of … Continue reading
Mapping the landscape of commons-based peer production, Peter Troxler analyses the arena of open source hardware and looks into various initiatives being spawned by fabrication labs, trying to identify their business potential and asking how these initiatives contribute to giving … Continue reading