Dick Rijken is a professor of information technology and society at The Hague University of Applied Sciences and the director of STEIM, a design studio for artistic research on and development of instruments and tools for use in electronic music live performances, located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dick defines open design as “the process of sharing design documents (drawings, models, specifications, flowcharts, manufacturing instructions, etc.) so that others can use and/or modify these designs and republish modified versions of them in such a way that the designs are publicly accessible, free of charge, and come with legal (copyright) clauses that enable all these kinds of use and re-use.”
Dick Rijken contents in Open Design Now:
The position of knowledge and expertise is changing radically, particularly in relation to how design literacy is affected when confronted with digital tools and media. Dick Rijken analyses design literacy on three levels – strategic, tactical, and operational – and … Continue reading